We are a Living History Group based in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S.A.
We portray units of the 1st Infantry Division, including the 16th, 18th and 26th Infantry Regiment's, 701st Ordnance Light Maintenance Company, the 1st MP Platoon, 1st Medical Battalion, 1st Signal Company, 1st Recon Troop Mechanized, and other attached units and personnel from WWI to present day.
Big Red One Living History Organization, Inc. - Attached Units click here
We are a 501(c)(3), Incorporated in the state of PA and are fully insured
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Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Big Red One.org
Last modified: Oct 28 2014
After Action Report - Hurtgen Forest, Pottsville PA sector.
24 Oct. 2014 - Pvt’s Hammer and Hain-Matson were sent to join Sgt. Barton, who had made his way to just outide of the enemy area. After some Ordnance Maintenance machinery repair, we got some rest to be fresh for the morning patrol.
25 Oct. 2014 - Above mentioned troops made a Jeep patrol of the area where we found Pvt. Joe Krull (New member). We also discovered a rag tag bunch of GIs from several other units, who were quickly consolidated into 2 squads.
Col. Joe DiGiovanni turned up at about this time and took command of all allied troops in the area.
We were all sent out on patrol to find an overrun MG crew who had spent the night out in the field and been cut off. We were attacked several times by a small harassing force of German troops commanded by a German Fallschirmjager who looked to be Pvt. Pete Lee’s German twin.... Although I saw no Iron Cross.......
At the outset of this morning Patrol, Pvt. Hammer realized that nobody was taking charge of the squad he was in (even thought Pvt. Tom Knapper, another 1st division GI with more field experience was present, he allowed Pvt. Hammer to take charge). At this time Pvt. Hammer took over the squad for the rest of the day.
We were able to find the overrun MG squad, lead them back for hot chow at about 13:30.
As we finished chow word came down that we had to hold a road junction. While moving into position, Pvt. Hammer chose a location for the MG position that met with the Col’s Approval. It was also in this position that Sgt. Barton was able to stop an enemy squad from the MG jeep, who was trying to flank us. The day continued as the mourning with probing attacks by both sides, with a known German MG position being our ultimate target.
This location has GREAT possibilities!!! It would be well worth the unit’s effort to attend this event for the tactical training we can do here. There is plenty of room for this to be a much larger event, where we can maneuver vehicles, Set up Cp’s and even spend the night in the field as an emersion event.
Acting Pvt. Hain-Matson