After Action Report / 17-19 October 2008 On 17 Oct. 2008 several BROLHO members deployed to Massey MD for a joint training mission with units from the 4th Armored Div. And the 14th Liaison Squadron. Roster of 1st Division Members participating in this mission: Pvt. Jeff Hain-Matson Dispatch rider Jae Hain-Matson Pvt. Lex Schmidt Upon arrival we set up camp and took stock of the Airport Massey air Museum that was to be our AO for the weekend. Weather was a bit nippy Friday night with lows around 36 degrees! It made for a very invigorating time getting dressed in the morning!!Saturday dawned bright and sunny, with chow provided for us courtesy of the 14th Liaison Squadron. We then proceeded to help the 4th Armored Div. Erect a GP medium.Then we got down to business, and that was a short class on TRP’s (Target Reference Points) and there used in aerial observation for artillery and or just to help locate friend and foe for the rear area types. After class there were flights in several L2 and L5 reconnaissance aircraft were we were able to put our training to use by spotting targets laid out on the ground from about 800 feet above. We were then to mark these target locations on maps we were carrying. These were then collected at the end of the flight (about 15-20 minutes, what a blast!!) And then we were de-briefed and allowed to also list any other significant information we had seen from the air (bridges and there condition, rouge motorcycle troops in the area, etc). Saturday lunch was again provided by the 14th Liaison Squadron. Saturday dinner was pay as you go with crab soup and beef, not bad all in all.Saturday evening we all sat around a fire (Fire God where were you????) And swapped the usual lies, I mean information with members of the other units. Saturday night Pvt. Schmidt chose to guard the airports DC3 by sleeping under the wing, the temperature went down to about 30 degrees!! (see below) Sunday flights were canceled due to strong winds..... This was the 3rd year for this event, and I would strongly recommend further attendance, as it has lots of room to expand, and the potential for increased activities, passably including some tactical work with air ground support!!!!
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